Switch Update & We're Going To GDC!
/Hello, friends!
So, we’ve had quite a few requests for the Ultimate Chicken Horse Switch release date. Trust us, we haven’t forgotten! We’d love to have a release date, but we’re not able to give you that yet for several reasons - reasons we’re going to tell you today, so that hopefully you can understand the delay.
An artist's rendering of the game on Switch
We’ve been working every single day on the Switch release, which means squashing bugs, making the game work on a different platform, and being (maybe?) the first to attempt online multiplayer using the Unity engine on Switch. This means that whenever we come up against a problem, it takes a lot longer to fix, because no one has done it before us!
In particular, we had one bug (affectionately named UCH-610, because it was the 610th bug that we tracked) that we couldn’t get past for a while, and that meant we couldn’t send it on to certification, which is the last hurdle in the timeline of releasing on Switch.
BUT GUESS WHAT? We fixed that bug. We squashed that bug. That bug is dead, toast, RIP bug.
Mmm, bugs
There are more bugs, of course (there are always more bugs), but that was the one that was halting progress - so we’re now on a course to certification, and once that’s done and we’ve passed (which we’re hoping won’t take long, but sometimes they ask us to fix more things) we can announce the release date.
In other news, we’re going to the Game Developers Conference, which is in San Francisco at the end of March. If you’re there, say hi! Our whole team is going, and we’re not showing off the game on the showfloor but we will be roaming around looking to make new friends, meet other developers, catch up with old friends and people we’ve worked with at Sony, Microsoft, Unity, Intel, Valve and Nintendo.
San Francisco meets Ultimate Chicken Horse
But we’ll also be exploring NEW GAME IDEAS. Now that UCH is out on consoles, we’d like to start working on something new! We won’t be abandoning the Ultimate Chicken Horse family, but instead, think of it as a new little sibling that you’ll love just as much.
In fact, we’re working on new content for Ultimate Chicken Horse RIGHT NOW! We won’t tell you what it is yet, but we hope you’ll be happy with it. Expect to hear more once we have a release date for Switch!
Lots of love,
Clever Endeavour xoxo